Barbiturates are classified as sedative-hypnotic drugs which can be used to treat seizure disorders and insomnia. We offer the best barbiturate addiction treatment in Texas. Though these medications are useful in managing seizures and anxiety, fewer prescriptions for barbiturates have been written since their numerous dangers were discovered in the early 1970s. Barbiturate use may result in feelings of immense anxiety-relief and mild euphoria. These positive feelings may reinforce continued misuse of the medication, which often causes a person to become tolerant to some of the desired effects of the drug. As a result, it is unfortunately very easy to become addicted to barbiturates.
If you’re in search of barbiturate addiction treatment in Texas, Texas Recovery Center is ready to help. Our barbiturates rehab center in Texas provides a peaceful environment where people can truly focus on recovery. Learn more about our barbiturates substance abuse treatment program in Texas by calling 214-295-6503 or completing our online contact form.
Why People Use Barbiturates
People commonly use barbiturates to relieve tension or anxiety. Taken in high doses, this medication may also produce a euphoric state or high. Underlying these pleasurable effects, however, are many dangers, including addiction, dangerous withdrawal, and overdose. Misusing a personal prescription or someone else’s to self-medicate anxiety, insomnia, or another health problem is considered use and can lead to addiction. Taking the drug to create a high or pleasurable effect, even if it’s a personal prescription, is also misuse.
Commonly Used Barbiturates
Barbiturates have many different chemical formulas which are sold under brand names. Although the number of prescriptions for barbiturates has decreased substantially since the 1980s, this class of drugs is still used by some individuals.
Some of the most commonly used barbiturates include:
- Amytal (amobarbital sodium)
- Nembutal (pentobarbital sodium)
- Seconal (secobarbital sodium)
- Luminal (phenobarbital)
Effects of Barbiturate Use and Addiction
Barbiturates are central nervous system (CNS) depressants, which may cause feelings of euphoria, calmness, and relaxation. In addition to the calming effects of barbiturates, some individuals may also experience a wide range of adverse, short-term side effects, including:
- Feelings of agitation or irritation
- Excessive drowsiness
- Frequent and sudden mood swings
- Headaches
- Nausea and vomiting
- Slowed reflexes or lack of coordination
- Shallow breathing
- Slurred speech
- Trouble concentrating or mental confusion
Individuals who chronically use barbiturates for prolonged periods at higher than recommended doses will likely experience long-term effects as well.
Long-term effects of barbiturate use can include:
- Impaired judgment
- Trouble with short-term memory or memory loss
- Paranoia
- Changes in coordination
- Suicidal thoughts and tendencies
- Loss of consciousness and possibly death
Medically Supervised Barbiturate Detoxification
Individuals who use and become addicted to barbiturates will likely need the assistance of a medically supervised detox program to come off the drug safely and avoid withdrawal symptoms or barbiturate overdose symptoms.
During detox, individuals will receive medical care to monitor vitals, such as heart and breathing rates. This ensures that individuals will remain safe as their body is cleared, or detoxified, of the substance. It is important to note that detox is only the first step towards recovery, and is not an addiction cure. Although many people feel better physically after completing detox, they may still have intense psychological cravings for barbiturates, which is why inpatient treatment is typically recommended following a medically supervised barbiturate detox program.
Our Barbiturates Addiction Treatment in Texas
Barbiturates may cause both physical and psychological dependence, so it is essential that treatment for these conditions be comprehensive and work to address all aspects of an individual’s health. Texas Recovery Center’s inpatient treatment combines medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and behavioral therapies. In cases of severe barbiturate addiction, some individuals may be given less potent barbiturates or benzodiazepines to lessen their withdrawal symptoms and curb their cravings for the drug. Others may be given additional medications, such as antidepressants, to help stabilize their mood while going through treatment.
Behavioral therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), are often used in individual and group settings. These therapies can help individuals learn about barbiturate use and addiction and coping mechanisms to manage these issues during and after treatment.
Choose Texas Recovery Center’s Barbiturate Addiction Treatment in Texas
At Texas Recovery Center, our team empowers people to overcome barbiturate use in Texas. Reach out to us today by calling 214-295-6503 or completing our online form to find out more about our barbiturates addiction treatment program in Texas.