There’s nothing quite like having fun in the sun during the summer season. Relaxation, laughter, and what almost always feels like much-needed time off – summer is a time of year that most look forward to throughout the other seasons. Things aren’t easy all around, though. Unfortunately, for those who are maintaining or are in the process of obtaining sobriety, summer can provide a variety of stressful and triggering challenges. Most people can enjoy their summer in a somewhat uninhibited fashion, but those maintaining sobriety must take extra care to ensure their sobriety is not jeopardized. Indeed, the first sober summer is often the hardest. That is why it is of the utmost importance that those who are about to undertake their first sober summer have a plan. Addiction treatment programs, counseling, and therapy are fantastic resources for this planning. When exploring these resources, consider the following information.
Sober Summer Activities in Texas
It is important to note for anyone planning their first sober summer – human beings were having fun in the sun long before the advent of alcohol or drugs as they are known today. The game’s name is not to avoid everything in the world that might act as a trigger but rather to find personally fulfilling and socially satisfying activities. Some sober summer activities in Texas include:
- Outdoor activities – Camping, hiking, rock climbing, and other similar activities are great for those trying to stay sober. This is primarily for two reasons: 1, outdoor activities tend to require a certain level of hand-eye coordination which can’t be achieved when high or drunk, and 2, these sorts of activities tend to have a well-established sober community with events throughout the country during the entire year.
- Exploration – Summer is a great opportunity for friends and families to explore and go on adventures. This is an excellent chance for those in recovery to strengthen their friends and family bonds. Whether with friends, family, or alone, take the opportunity to explore your local area. Find a favorite coffee shop, museum, or swimming spot.
- Volunteer – Volunteering is one of those activities that pop up every once in a while in the modern era’s daily dose of advertisements. Still, one rarely considers the benefits of partaking in a volunteer program. Volunteering is a great way to stay busy and strengthen ties with local community members. In addition, volunteering is an activity through which an individual can obtain a great deal of personal joy and satisfaction.
- Sober events – like most states, Texas has a well-established sober community that is alive and thriving. Sobriety can make it hard to keep old friends and make new ones. Sober events are a great way to meet like-minded individuals who can relate to each other’s struggles, hopes, and aspirations.
The sober community is growing, and sober summer activities in Texas are not hard to find. Not every activity will receive a 10/10 personal rating, but exploring these options does a great deal to help those living a sober lifestyle find what works best for them.
Enjoying a Sober Lifestyle In Texas
Beyond the scope of summer activities, one should focus on the long-term lifestyle they are hoping to cultivate. As previously mentioned, Texas has many ways to enjoy a sober lifestyle. Still, the key to successfully enjoying this lifestyle is to craft a plan which caters to individual needs, strengths and weaknesses. Critical to its success is staying connected with healthy peer groups and sober social circles, avoiding boredom and unhealthy activities, and routinely examining one’s relapse prevention plan.
Finding Help at Texas Recovery Center
At Texas Recovery Center, we understand how difficult it can be to navigate a first sober summer. That is why we value and practice evidence-based recovery treatments so that we may provide the best service available. Our team comprises a variety of dedicated and experienced specialists, each striving to provide the best care possible. Give us a call today at 214.295.6503.