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Do I Need Long-Term Rehab?

a group therapy session taking place in long-term rehab

When substance abuse becomes a new normal, it’s hard to gauge what, when, and how much consumption has happened and how to stop. Each person has a unique set of challenges and circumstances. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge where current situation to make a change, which may lead to deciding to seek out help from a long-term addiction treatment program.

Before seeking treatment, many people attempt to stop substance use on their own. Unfortunately, the root cause of the problem remains. At Vertava Health, we get to the root of the problem with our evidence-based programs. Call us at 844.230.5931 to help determine if long-term rehab is right for you.

Extended Treatment Programs for Relapse

Relapse is the return to drug use after a period of abstinence. It can be a one-time event or a recurrent problem. Many people believe relapse is a sign of weakness or lack of willpower, but it is pervasive—over half of those struggling with substance abuse will use again at some point. Long-term addiction treatment programs can reduce the chance of relapse through support. Individual and group therapy, unhindered access to medical and mental health resources, and an environment of understanding and support help people do the rewarding work of getting clean.

Signs You May Need Long-Term Rehab

Each of us has a threshold, yet no two situations or life circumstances are the same. Knowing where someone’s at or the best way to find help can be challenging. And yet, some key indicators often point to rehab. Asking tough questions or observing specific symptoms can help make the informed and intentional choice toward recovery. These are some signs you may need long-term rehab:

Doing Whatever It Takes to Use

Does finding and using drugs top your to-do list? If substance use is your top priority, drug-seeking behavior has taken over your life. From time spent locating drugs to monies and relationship sacrifices to acquire them, doing whatever it takes to use means substance abuse has become a significant problem and a long-term rehab is a strong option for recovery.

Marked Decline in Overall Health

The adverse effects of substance abuse are widespread, impacting the body, mind, and spirit from the liver, kidney, and respiratory disease to persistent symptoms of medical decline. Sustained use of drugs and alcohol affects the body’s natural systems.

In terms of mental health, elevated use of drugs and alcohol affects short-term behaviors to long-term brain chemistry. By altering how our brains function, we lose control of thought patterns and impulses. From deeply ingrained depression to the presence of psychosis, substance abuse significantly impacts mental health.

When a co-occurring condition is present, such as underlying mental health disorders, substance abuse exacerbates its symptoms. Long-term addiction treatment works to uncover the layers of addiction, and seeking care for underlying mental health conditions plays a crucial role in recovery.

A Raised Threshold for Drugs and Alcohol

Needing more and more of a substance to get high to maintain a base level of functioning usually means substance use has become a real problem. As our bodies adapt to the intake,  they build a tolerance for these substances, which means the threshold needed to feel the effects of a high gets ever more elevated. Overdoses occur when users lose track of how much they’ve done. The body does its best to keep up and can no longer process the raised level of drug or alcohol intake. These rampant substance abuses affect the body’s infrastructure and can lead to chronic illness and impaired functioning—even death.

Long-term rehab can give help you by:

  • Developing a more positive outlook on life
  • Create healthier lifestyle habits
  • Improving your mental and emotional state
  • Building positive relationships with others who support your sobriety

Long-Term Rehabilitation Treatment at Texas Recovery Center

If you suspect long-term rehab is needed, Texas Recovery Center can help. Our extended treatment programs feature a variety of evidence-based methodologies, including cognitive- and dialectical behavior therapies, family therapy, and peer support. Holistic tools such as motivational interviewing and mindfulness practices help uncover root causes and augment impulse control. Rehab is a strong choice if you’re ready to release your dependency on drugs and alcohol. Call Texas Recovery Center at 844.230.5931 to learn more.

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