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Dangers of Drinking During Pregnancy

a woman touches her pregnant belly while holding onto an alcoholic drink and realizing there are many dangers of drinking during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when many women reassess their lives and make changes for the better. However, for some women, pregnancy can trigger alcohol addiction. If you’re struggling with alcoholism, getting help is essential before you become pregnant. Alcohol addiction is severe and requires treatment. If you’re already pregnant and struggling with alcoholism, treatment options are still available to help you and your baby.

No one ever intends to become addicted to alcohol. But for many people, drinking can become a problem. If you’re pregnant, drinking can be especially dangerous. Drinking during pregnancy can cause many problems for you and your baby. If you are drinking alcohol during pregnancy, you might need help searching for rehab centers for pregnant women. Our team at Texas Recovery Center can help you find a treatment program that meets your needs as a pregnant woman. Call us today at 844.230.5931 to learn more about the dangers of drinking during pregnancy.

Dangers of Drinking During Pregnancy

Drinking during pregnancy can cause a wide range of problems. These problems can be physical, mental, or emotional. They can also be short-term or long-term. There are many ways that drinking during pregnancy can affect you and your baby.

Physical Effects

Drinking during pregnancy can lead to a host of physical problems. These include poor nutrition, dehydration, and liver damage. Drinking can cause prenatal complications such as miscarriages, stillbirths, and congenital disabilities. Additionally, babies born to mothers who drink during pregnancy are at risk for fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). FAS is a condition that causes lifelong physical and mental impairments.

Mental Effects

Drinking during pregnancy can also have mental effects. These include anxiety, depression, and memory problems. Women who drink during pregnancy are also at risk for postpartum depression (PPD). PPD is a type of depression that occurs weeks or months after giving birth. Getting help is crucial if you think you might be suffering from PPD.

Emotional Effects

Drinking during pregnancy can also lead to emotional problems such as anger, irritability, and mood swings. Additionally, women who drink during pregnancy are more likely to experience domestic violence than women who don’t drink during pregnancy.

Short-Term Effects

There are also short-term effects of drinking during pregnancy. These include tiredness, morning sickness, and weight gain. Additionally, drinking during pregnancy can interfere with the bonding process between mother and child. This is because alcohol decreases levels of the hormone oxytocin in the brain. Oxytocin is responsible for feelings of love and bonding between people.

Long-Term Effects

There are also long-term effects of drinking during pregnancy, such as learning disabilities and behavioral problems. Additionally, children whose mothers drank during pregnancy are at greater risk for developing alcoholism later in life.

Consider getting help if you are using alcohol while pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and having an alcohol addiction. Access to evidence-based treatments and services is essential for a positive recovery. You can call Texas Recovery Center any time to get help finding a treatment program that meets your needs.

Get Help for Substance Abuse During Pregnancy at Texas Recovery Center

The bottom line is that drinking during pregnancy is dangerous—for both you and your baby. If you’re struggling with alcohol use, get help before you become pregnant or as soon as you find out. There are treatment options available that can help you recover from addiction and have a healthy pregnancy. Don’t try to go it alone. Get the professional help that you need.

Texas Recovery Center provides evidence-based treatment options for pregnant women struggling with addiction. Our team of experts will work with you to create a custom treatment plan that meets your unique needs. We offer various services, including detox, individual therapy, group therapy, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT). We’re here to assist you every step of the way. Call us today at 844.230.5931 to learn more about the dangers of drinking during pregnancy and how we can help you recover from addiction.

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