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Benefits of a Medication Management Program

a doctor sits in his office with a patient discussing the benefits of a medication management program

Treating addiction is a complex process that involves several types of treatment methods. While there is no cure for addiction, various kinds of behavioral and medical therapy can treat the wide-ranging symptoms and causes of this mental health disorder. There are many benefits of a medication management program when combined with behavioral and holistic therapy, and together, they provide a whole-person treatment experience with less risk of relapse. Using medication management for addiction is safe when administered through an accredited addiction treatment program.

At Texas Recovery Center, we help men and women from all walks of life who are struggling with an addiction to alcohol, cocaine, heroin, or other dangerous substances. We take the time to build trust and open communication with each patient, so they feel comfortable opening up about the issues behind substance use. While working with a therapist, medical staff will administer medications and monitor patients for adverse reactions.

To learn more about the benefits of medication management for addiction, reach out to our team today at 214.295.6503 to enroll in our addiction treatment program.

Using Medication to Treat Addiction

When people think about treating drug addiction with other drugs, they wrongly assume they are simply replacing one drug with another. A medication management program uses medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat the effects of addiction withdrawals. These medications are proven safe when patients stick with the program and don’t use drugs or alcohol. Doing so can result in immediate withdrawal symptoms.

When using drugs or alcohol, you are changing your body’s chemical makeup and how it functions. With long-term use, your body begins to depend on the substance, and when it does not have enough, you can experience painful withdrawals and intense cravings for your substance of choice. Some of the common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Hallucinations
  • Chills
  • Psychosis

At Texas Recovery Center, our programs combine various treatment techniques to create a comprehensive treatment program to help you reach your recovery goals. During admissions, we will discuss the benefits of medication management therapy and what you can expect from your treatment program.

Benefits of a Medication Management Program

Enrolling in a drug treatment program gives you the skills and confidence to reach your recovery goals and maintain lifelong sobriety. Medication is very beneficial to the recovery process and can help you get through withdrawals safely with less risk of further harm. Some of the benefits of a medication management program could include the following.

Less Risk of Relapse

Those who try to detox alone typically relapse when symptoms peak around 48 to 72 hours. During that time, you can experience intense cravings that won’t stop until you give in or enroll in a treatment program using medication-assisted treatment. Withdrawals and cravings can last for several weeks to months, depending on the severity of the addiction.

Eases Withdrawals and Savings

Medical staff will administer specific dosages of one or more medications to alleviate your withdrawals and cravings. These medications can also reduce depressive or anxiety symptoms fueling the addiction. They will monitor your progress throughout the program and reduce the medicine as your symptoms start to fade.

Reduces Addiction-Related Health Problems

Another benefit of a medication management program is it reduces the risk of developing medical complications caused by long-term use. If left untreated, addiction can cause organ damage and failure, collapsed veins for intravenous users, permanent brain damage, and other complications that may require a lifetime of medication.

Improved Retention and Success Rates

Individuals who use medication for recovery will have an easier time reaching their recovery goals and maintaining lifelong sobriety. Depression is very common with addiction and can dissuade people from continuing treatment if it is not treated correctly with medication and behavioral support.

Once you enroll in a treatment program, you will discover many benefits of medication management therapy. By the time most patients finish the program, they can be drug-free.

Choose Texas Recovery Center for Medication Management for Addiction

At Texas Recovery Center, we welcome all Texans struggling with addiction and ready to make a positive change. On your first day, we will thoroughly assess your physical and mental health to create a tailored treatment program that combines medication-assisted treatment and behavioral therapy. You will participate in group and private therapy sessions led by a certified therapist to develop coping skills to manage your symptoms and triggers. If you or a loved one is abusing drugs or alcohol and ready to quit, contact us 214.295.6503 today for more information about our accredited addiction treatment facility.

Contact Texas Recovery Centers Now

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