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7 Things to Strengthen Your Addiction Recovery

7 Things to Strengthen Your Addiction Recovery

If you attended an inpatient or residential addiction treatment program, it’s likely that you worked with a counselor, coach, or therapist to create a plan to help transition into your new life in independent living in recovery. Strengthening your recovery starts with these practices firmly in place, but there are additional steps that you can take to help strengthen your resolve in pursuing long-term recovery after learning drug addiction treatment methods.

Our Texas Recovery Center team wants to set you up for long-term success in recovery after you complete a drug rehab program. If you’re interested in learning strategies for addiction recovery, reach out to our drug rehab in Texas by calling 844.230.5931 or completing our online form. At Texas Recovery Center, we recognize that recovery doesn’t end with a drug addiction treatment program, so contact us today to find out more about how we can help.

7 Things to Strengthen Your Addiction Recovery

1. Make a Positive Change in Your Lifestyle

Your recovery isn’t solely dependent on staying sober. It involves an entire positive lifestyle change. Cultivate wellness by taking care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, in relationships, and professionally. Join a local gym and attend a spin class, incorporate a daily walk during your lunch break, and get a good night’s sleep each night. When your body feels good, you’ll be more likely to weather the storms in a healthy way rather than turning back towards pills, heroin, alcohol, or any drug of choice.

2. Practice Mindfulness

Many addiction rehab facilities incorporate mindfulness techniques into their addiction recovery exercises, and for a good reason. Mindfulness helps people to stay in the moment without judgment and allows them to focus solely on one thing at a time. Mindfulness especially helps those who have been inactive in addiction avoid feeling overpowered by thoughts of the past or high-stress levels about the future. Incorporating mindfulness into your recovery may mean simply taking a few minutes to focus on your breathing, doing a mental self-check, and considering what to do to improve the situation.>

3. Find a Stable Job

Financial problems can be one of the biggest triggers for arguments in relationships, triggers for personal anxiety, and a trigger for relapse. In early recovery, you may find yourself taking whatever job is first available in order to simply shift back into the swing of a normal routine and simply pay the bills. However, as you grow stronger and more comfortable in your new path, explore career options that will give you financial stability, challenge you, and interest you.

4. Establish Goals

Expanding upon creating financial and professional goals. For example, develop personal goals, as well as goals within your relationships with family members and friends. Create a plan of action in deciding what you want to do and what purpose you want to serve in your life and the lives of others. Keep track of your progress and acknowledge your accomplishments.

5. Connect

Find a group that you identify and connect with and share in your recovery, your struggles, and your accomplishments, such as:

  • Women for Sobriety
  • Celebrate Recovery
  • SMART Recovery
  • 12-Step meetings

Connecting with others is one of the most powerful tools to utilize and maintain strength in recovery.

6. Exercise Gratitude and Positivity

Take a moment and acknowledge that you’ve not only survived addiction, but you’re making tremendous progress in your life. Focus on the beauty of your recovery. Reliving the past, harboring guilt and shame, and holding grudges are not going to get you to a healthy place. Instead, exercise positivity and embrace your goals and purpose.

7. Make Sure You are a Priority

Strength in recovery will involve a lot of hard work, from repairing relationships with family and friends to attending support groups and going to therapy sessions. Even with all of your new commitments and goals, it is still essential that you dedicate some time to yourself. Set aside downtime for yourself each week to just relax.

Easy relaxation activities include:

  • Taking a nap
  • Doing an at-home yoga session
  • Drawing a bath
  • Ordering in your favorite pizza and watching a movie

Rely on Texas Recovery Center for Strength in Recovery

Staying actively engaged in your recovery process by continuing to attend therapy, maintaining any sort of schedule for medications, and continuing to pursue these steps and more will only help you grow stronger and healthier. Contact our Texas Recovery Center team today online or at 844.230.5931 for more information about strategies for addiction recovery and how to maintain strength in recovery.

Contact Texas Recovery Centers Now

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